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"At a recent Lodge meeting, I made acquaintance of Frederick Braun, to whom I related my artistic difficulties.  Msr. Braun was gracious enough to lend me a treatise on secret geometry.  It was through this that I learned of the work of Reiss Kunst, which directly reflects my own pursuits."

From the Journal of Philip LeMarchand - April 17, 1749

The Works of
Reiss Kunst

Coenobyte's Welcome - "The Box of Leviathan" Spiral of Desperation - "Conductor of Souls"
Coenobyte's Welcome
"The Box of Leviathan"
Spiral of Desperation
"Conductor of Souls"
The Condemnation
Art & research
Stephen Pahnlick
Art & research
Stephen Pahnlick
Art & research
Stephen Pahnlick

"Msr. Kunst explains that his work was inspired by puzzles crafted in the thirteenth century by Albertus Magnus which, when opened, introduced unknown wonders to the solver."

"...I shall do my best to learn more of these creations of Msr. Kunst and Albertus Magnus."

Journal of Philip LeMarchand - April 17, 1749

The Configurations of
Albertus Magnus

Albertus Magnus

Magnus in Magia, Major in Philosophia, and Maximus in Theologia

Chemical Syllables

"It is taught by the demons"
"It teaches about demons"
"...It leads to demons"
A Daemonibus Docetur
"The Key To One's
Ultimate Truth"
De Daemonibus Docet
"The Box of Secrets"
Et Ad Daemones Ducit
"The Box of Gateways"
Art & research
Guillaume Roos
Art & research
Jay With

Art & research

Chemical Syllables

Geber the Arab

Gebur the Arab
The concepts of the Philosopher's Stone and the Elixer of Life were introduced to Europe through the alchemical texts of "Gebri Arabis" (Latin for "Geber the Arab")

The Temptation of Eve Triumph of The Archangels Lust's Paradigm Gabriel's Grace Ceberus Construct
The Temptation of Eve
"Humanity's Loss"

Triumph of
The Archangels

"The Contentment Configuration"
Lust's Paradigm
"The Box of Misguided Desire"
Gabriel's Grace
"Heaven's Consolation"
Ceberus Construct
"Greed's Paradigm"
Art & research by
Phillip Bowen
Art & research by
Phillip Bowen
Art & research by
Phillip Bowen
Art & research by
Phillip Bowen
Art & research by
Phillip Bowen

Capt. Nathan Green


Captain Nathan Green

July 16, 1970 - last known photograph of Capt. N. Green

Magdalene's Salvation - "The Hope Configuration"

1976 2000 2004 2007 2008

N.G.'s re-working of
Philip LeMarchand's Box
The Box

N.G.'s re-working of
Albertus Magnus' Box
Unknown Box

N.G.'s re-working of
Philip LeMarchand's Box
Original Construct
N.G. Industries
"The Divine Configuration"
Art & research
Art & research
Art & research
Art & research
Art & research

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